The sun it setting on my time in Romania. It is just a few minutes before my ride comes and picks me up to say good bye and get on the train for Timisoara. Here are some actual sunsets I have enjoyed.
Another type of Sunset is the last of something I will do here in Romania for a while. We walked around the market (which is different than most market experiences I have had to date) and I took some pictures of things you may have misplaced that have made their way to Romania.
Monitors and shoe, how can you go wrong?
Food - hmmm, I will miss some of the food for sure. They are big on salame, mici (pronounced meech), and fried dough. Hmmm hmmmm hmmmm, fried dough.
My favorite -Langosh - fried dough with cheese and herbs!
Mushrooms, Castles, and More
We went looking as some land the other week and stumbled upon this giant mushroom. Luckily, no one was hurt when we stumbled upon it.
Mushroom Steaks anyone?
My time has been good and I am not entirely sure what is next. Hopefully as the days progress and I recover from jetlag, I will have a better idea of the next steps in my life and dream. One thing I know for sure is that for some reason I felt like I belonged in Romania. Could just be my strange ability to adapt to wherever I am. Who knows.
In subsequent blogs over the next week, I will share tales of my journey back to the USA (which includes a stop over to see a friend in Antwerp Belgium) in addition to some of the things I did my last week in Romania and Hungary. My last week I spent volunteering for an organization called NetWorks ( I spent several days playing and working with very poor city and village children as well as helping out in the office and cleaning cabins at the youth camp. There are more stories than I have time to tell right now.
Let the journey continue......